You are here: Files transfer
AKRDC v3.1.0 user guide
Files transfer

Files transfer

  • This feature is fully working with TightVNC 2.5+ and UltraVNC 1.0.5+ (partially with X11 VNX)
  • You have to enable the feature on your VNC server (activated by default in most cases)
  • A lot of Linux servers pretend to implement Ultra/Tight files transfer protocol: in most cases they are using a derivated work based on very old protocols that are no longer supported since several years. In this case AKRDC is not able to detect those servers correctly and then disable the files transfer feature.


AKRDC Files transfer compatibility (tested with ...)
VNC server 
RFB / version 
Tight VNC 
3.8 / 2.5 + 
Auto detects the if the files transfer is enabled on server side 
Services enumeration is done automatically by the server 
Ultra VNC 
3.8 / 1.0.6 + 
Auto detects the if the files transfer is enabled on server side 
No service enumeration, simple deduction 
X11 VNC 
3.6 / ? 
Assumes the server emulates the UltraVNC Files transfer. If this is not the case, AKRDC is able to crash or freeze
No service enumeration, no way to auto detect the server capabilities 


To activate the files transfer, you have to initialize a remote control session with the server, and then click on the button Device files transfer or Remote files transfer (the two latest buttons in the view).

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